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Perpetual Charitable and Community Investor Fund

Perpetual Charitable and Community Investor Fund


Product disclosures

Continuous disclosures and important information


Notice date
Nature of event or change
Impact of the change
Further information 
10 July 2024

Update to specialist investment manager information

The details of current underlying specialist investment managers have been updated.  

For further information see flyer

27 June 2024

Update to specialist investment manager information

The details of current underlying specialist investment managers have been updated.  

For further information see flyer

29 May 2024

Update to specialist investment manager information  

The details of current underlying specialist investment managers have been updated.  

For further information see flyer

1 March 2024

PDS Reissue

Changes to Buy/Sell Spread

A new PDS for the Perpetual Charitable and Community Investor Fund PDS has been issued.

The new PDS contains:

  • updated details about fees and costs, replacing previous disclosure.

Please read the letter to investors regarding these changes and PDS for additional information or ask us for a copy free of charge by contacting us on 1800 003 001.

Effective 1 March 2024, the Buy/Sell spread for the fund has changed. Please see "Transaction costs and Buy/Sell Spreads" document.


Product Disclosure Statement


1 December 2023

PDS Reissue

Following a review of the investment strategy, the investment guidelines and application and withdrawal process and frequency have changed and a new PDS for the Perpetual Charitable and Community Investor Fund PDS has been issued.

The new long-form PDS contains:

  • updated investment guidelines

  • updated application and withdrawal process and frequency

  • update to the 'Environmental, social and ethical factors and labour standards' section

Please read the attached letter distributed to investors for details about these changes.

Product Disclosure Statement

Investor Letter - Changes to PDF

9 October 2023

PDS Update: Fees and Costs information

The information in the PDS and Additional Information about fees and costs is replaced by the information in the attached document. For full details on fees and costs, read the PDS together with this update.


1 March 2023

PDS update:
Update to investment profiles

Following a review of the investment strategies, changes to the following will take effect from 1 March 2023:

  • Investment benchmark

  • Investment guidelines

  • Asset classes

Please read the attached flyer for details about these changes.

Charitable_Investment Changes Flyer

1 October 2022

PDS Update: Fees and Costs information

The information in the PDS and Additional Information about fees and costs is replaced by the information in the attached document. For full details on fees and costs, read the PDS together with this update.


1 February 2022
PDS Update: Transaction Cost and buy/sell spread document updated This incorporated document has now been replaced with 1 February 2022 information now available.  
29 January 2021
Update to Specialist Investment Manager Information The details of current underlying specialist investment managers have been updated. For further information see attached flyer.  
7 December 2020
Update to Specialist Investment Manager Information The details of current underlying specialist investment managers have been updated. For further information see attached flyer.  
20 March 2020
PDS Update: Transaction Cost & Buy/Sell spread document updated This incorporated document has now been replaced with 20 March 2020 information now available.For further information see attached flyer.  
31 January 2019
Introduction of tobacco securities investment restriction on Australian Shares & International Shares asset classes From 31 January 2019, for Australian and international shares asset classes, Perpetual will not permit its specialist investment managers (including itself) to invest in companies that are manufacturers of cigarettes and other tobacco products as defined under Global Industry Classification Standard 302030 as a Tobacco company.For all asset classes other than Australian and international shares, we consider a specialist investment managers’ policies and practices regarding environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors and labour standards only to the extent that they may have an effect on the manager’s style and investment performance. We will neither choose nor exclude a specialist investment manager solely on their ESG and labour standards policies/practices (except for managers of Australian and international shares), but such policies/practices will contribute to our overall assessment of the manager’s style and capability.  
1 October 2018
PDS Update: Transaction Cost & Buy/Sell spread document updated This incorporated document has now been replaced with 30 June 2018 information now available.For further information see attached flyer.  
11 September 2018
Change to external dispute resolution (EDR) scheme From 1 November 2018, there will be a change to the EDR scheme which unresolved complaints can be referred to.Please refer to this transitional disclosure for more information.  
16 November 2017
 No performance fee cap applicable for any specialist investment managers  Effective on and from 16 December 2017, no performance-related fee cap will be applicable for any specialist investment managers of Single and Multi-sector funds (unless otherwise agreed to in the agreement between the specialist investment manager and Perpetual).
Performance-related fees are payable when a specialist investment manager outperforms a defined performance hurdle (benchmark), for a defined period of time. The maximum performance-related fee rate up to 25% of outperformance for specialist investment managers (other than for alternative assets) still remains.  
For more details, refer to the Performance-related fees section in PDS. 
1 November 2017
PDS Update:
Update to investment objective
Following a strategic asset allocation review of the Perpetual Charitable and Community Investor Fund, the following updates will take effect from 1 November 2017:
  • Updated Investment return objective

  • Composite benchmark change


Read the attached notice for details about these changes.
29 September 2017

AMIT Regime

Perpetual has elected into the Attribution Managed Investment Trust (AMIT) Regime for the year ending 30 June 2018 and subsequent years.  
22 June 2017

Changes to the constitution of the Fund/s

Perpetual has made changes to the constitutions for our Funds to allow them to be operated as Attribution Managed Investment Trusts. These changes will apply only from the time an election is made by Perpetual to adopt the AMIT regime for the relevant Fund. We will provide notification on the website if/when this election occurs.

1 June 2017
PDS update The replacement PDS has been issued. It contains updated information in relation to your investment including:
  • Fees and Costs
    Due to changes in ASIC Class Order [CO 14/1252], we have updated our disclosure in respect of the estimated management cost of the Fund/s This amount includes estimated indirect costs which are paid by the Funds, and are not a direct cost to you. The management fee you pay to Perpetual has not changed.   

  • Tax and the AMIT regime
    The Federal Government passed tax legislation in May 2016 applicable to eligible managed investment schemes. Where a managed investment scheme meets the eligibility requirements and Perpetual Investment Management Limited, as the responsible entity, makes an election to apply the new tax rules, the Fund will become an Attribution Managed Investment Trust (AMIT). For more details refer to the above AMIT update.

  • The benchmark used for the global component of the Real Estate Fund has changed from hedged to AUD to unhedged.


For a copy of the PDS to obtain this information click above, or ask us for a copy free of charge by contacting us on  1800 003 001.
26 May 2017
Proposed Changes to the constitution of the Fund/s Perpetual is proposing making changes to the constitutions for our Funds to allow them to be operated as Attribution Managed Investment Trusts (AMIT)Find out more here



Maximum Performance-related fees of specialist investment managers

Notice date 22 November 2016

The maximum performance fee payable to specialist investment managers and when they are payable is described in the ‘Fees and Costs’ section in the 'Additional information' document that should be read in conjunction with the PDS . For specialist investment managers other than for alternative assets, the maximum performance fee rate will change from a maximum of 15.4% of that outperformance, to up to 25% of outperformance.

Investment Manager Review

Notice date 4 August 2016

Perpetual has conducted a review of its specialist investment managers in the Australian and international share sectors and following the review will implement the following:

Changes to Australian Share Specialist Investment Manager Allocations

From 6 July 2016, a number of changes were made to the Australian Share Asset Class specialist investment managers portfolio allocations. Changes are summarised as follows:

  • Removal of the Australian Share Asset classes full allocation to Perpetual Investments Economic Diversification Dividend Yield (EDDY) strategy; and
  • Resulting from the removal of Perpetual Investments EDDY strategy, an increase in allocations to Perpetual Investments Concentrated Equity strategy and increases in allocations to specialist investment managers Cooper Investors, Kaplan Funds Management and Renaissance Asset Management.

The changes to portfolio allocations will  result in some differences to specialist investment manager performance fee arrangements.

The specialist investment managers may be entitled to performance fee arrangements that differ, and in some cases may be higher. Any increases to performance fee arrangements will take effect no sooner than 30 days after the date of this update. 

The ranges of specialist investment manager performance fees align with those disclosed in the PDS.

The above changes will flow on to any multi sector funds that invest in Australian shares.

Changes to International Share Specialist Investment Managers

In August 2016, a number of changes will be made to specialist investment managers for the International Share Asset Class. Changes are summarised as follows:

The following specialist investment managers have had their portfolio allocations terminated effective 2 August 2016:

  • Perpetual Investments Economic Diversification Global Equities strategy
  • Aberdeen Asset Management

The following specialist investment managers will be appointed and received portfolio allocations no later than 22 August 2016:

  • Sustainable Growth Advisers
  • RWC
  • Barrow, Hanley, Mewhinney & Strauss

Those specialist investment managers who will be appointed may be entitled to performance fee arrangements that differ from those specialist investment managers who have been terminated. In some cases the performance fee arrangements may be higher.  Any increases to performance fee arrangements will take effect no sooner than 30 days after the date of this update. 

The ranges of specialist investment manager performance fees align with those disclosed in the PDS.

The above changes will flow on to any multi sector funds that invest in International Shares.

Details of the new specialist investment managers will be included here, once those managers have commenced management of the portfolios: Specialist investment managers information.



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